Sunday, May 26, 2013

Catch Up, Letters From Mitch

I have been busy locating myself in Washington D.C. My unit here is looking like home and I am getting adjusted to life in the East and miss a lot of what I had in Barrington. Will resume the letters from Mitch;

July, 1937, Butler, PA

"Dear Becky,

I'm sorry I should haven't written sooner but the last few days have been very busy. I was away for the weekend. Last nite I intended to write but got in about 12 from a steak roast held by Y-Armco Club Sag Affair. Tonight I played till eight. Yeah- I'm in a league here & from now on three nights a week will be taking up by ball-playing. The next time you talk to Don tell him to send to out that Report from my electricity class I had asked for. Don't forget.


July, 1937, Addressed to Nurse's Home Hamilton Co Tuberculosis Sanatarium, Cincinnati, Ohio

"Dear Becky,

I Betcha you're just enjoying life up in that nice cool spot. That good old starched outfit wilting slowly and you remaining cool. Well-let me tell you I surely am (go away fly- I missed him) having the most wonderful (You came back huh!) time (What do you think I am an oasis because it looks like a spring is oozing out of every part of my body). And do you know that I haven't received mail at all on the last two Saturday's?

Poor Don- no kidding- on his hands and knees crawling to get the through school- Busy- hot- failing- lots of work- You can't call him even for me. The dance? His exact words were 'I had a nice time with Becky-darn nice- I didn't expect to because it came came so soon right after you're leaving of course it didn't make any difference you're leaving since I took your place & danced with her.'

 A month has gone by- some more time & whoopee I'll be in Cincinnati- studying.

Two days work & both days ball games. No game today but one tomorrow. I still got a good notion to give it up but the soft soap handed out kinda eggs me on to play again. Oh- well pretty soon my playing days will be over- Why? I'll be in Cincinnati.


Monday, March 4, 2013

12 Foods That Heal #2
7. Mustard, "Think beyond the hot dog-mustard is a good source of selenium, which helps protect against cancer, prevent, prevent cardio vascular disease, defend your cells against free radicals and give your immune system a boost
 (whew-talk about a powerful condiment) plus the manganese in mustard can help some PMS symptoms.

8. Lamb Among red meats it stands out for its high nutritional value- and its surprisingly good source of the omega 3 fatty acids that can protect against heart. disese and stroke The iron in lamb is easily absorbed, so it prevents anemia and boosts energy.

9. FROZEN Broccoli, Surprise! Frozen varieties may contain 35% more beta caratene by weight than fresh broccoli that's shipped across the country. Plus the sulforaphane in broccoli may help fight off infections that inflame the lungs and arteries Finally, broccoli's high vitamin C helps create
 collagen which keeps skin healthy,firm,and glowing.

 10. Chiles, the heat source in these fiery bites, capaisin  may help prevent blood clots that lead to a heart attack and stroke .Plus, eating chiles  can providee temporary relief from nasal and sinus congestion- and even provide a quick lift to your metabolism.

11. Kiwis, They contain both lutin and zeaxanthin, antioxxidats which maintain eye health. They are also packed with vitamin  C  other photo chemicals that help fight thr free radical damage that can eventually lead to cancer.

12. Celery leaves They are the most nutritious part of the plant, containing more calcium, iron, potassium, beta-caratine. and vitamin C than the stalks."

Becky's notes:
Notice the many MAYS AND HELPS  in the article, the caveats.  That only suggests that there are  no proven studies.  However, this message does not need to be ignored-- in my opinion. They are all natural foods and this article MAY be the cutting edge of discovery as once were many vitamins such as E and C. and minerals too! I see no harm in you inccorporatiing these suggestions in your menus. Comments, anyone? healthy days to you,Becky


Saturday, March 2, 2013

12 Best Food Picks For Healing
This posting is exerpted from a recent issue of Reader's Digest. I was impressed with this rather new information on foods that are good for prevention as well as healing. I decided to have an interlude from Mitch's letters and think he would approve, since he shared my interest in Nutrition over the years.

1. Figs" a rare fruit source of of calcium, may help prevent bone loss associated with aging, high in fiber
,may reduce risk of cancer of colon, breast and prostate.

2.Beets, Nutrient packed beets,may sharrpen your mind.They produce nitric acid which helps increase blood flow throughout your body including the area of the brain associated with degeneration and dementia.

3. Fresh cranberries are super stars w,when it comes to urinary infections, but these little tart fruits may also prevent heart disese. They have chemicals that keep LDL cholesterol from oxidizing and clinging to the walls of the arteries

4, Orange Pith, You know that oranges are a great source of vitamin C, but eat as much as you can of the pith- the white spongy layer between the zest and the pulp. it stores a great amount of the fiber and antioxadants.

5.Eggs, these inexpensive protein sources crackle with health benefits.Zinc and iron support health hair and strong finger nails. the lecithin in the yolks is rich in choline which helps  repai rneurolgical damage and move the cholesterol through the blood stream.

6, sesame seeds, one recent study found  that when people with high levels of LDL cholesterol ate a few spoonfuls of  sesame seeds a day that their LDL levels dropped  by almost  10 percent more than just when they followed a healthy diet.  Sesame seeds, by weight, are one of the richest sources for iron.''

Becky's note:
I am posting this portion of the article today.  am anxious to write to my readers. Soon I will complete this food news and will give you some of my thoughts on it.
I have been in transition for a couple of months and have also had serious computer problems. hence, no blog.

I am now living in D.C  in an assisted living facility near most most of my family and have had mixed emotions about leaving good friends and the Jim Kartalias at the Garlands  the beautiful views , the aura of it, and the pleasant summer strolls outside.
Select the "No comment"  to let me know you are reading me. This is my " Hello" to all for now, Becky

 give  g

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Letters From Mitch #10

March 20, 1937, Butler, PA
"Dear Becky:
It certainly was a wonderful day to work with spring air and about 14 hours of sleep.
guess you listened to the radio or read the report  of that Texas disaster  Gosh, it sure sounded terrible, gives a fellow a sick feeling. Gee whiz. The fellows are talking about Texas. Love, Mitch."
Becky note:
When I reread this letter recently I had no memory of this event.. We nurses were often not aware of the news and prone to be in our world of our patients. of course, I may just have forgotten.
I had to research this and learned it was a truly great disaster of March 18, 1937 (see date above) of a school explosion that buried hundreds of students and many teachers at The New London School under stones etc. Mitch explained about his loss of words and said he was glad I would understand

Apr.2, 1937, Butler, PA
" Dear Becky:
I hadn't the least idea. It was this way. This bright and early morning I said to myself, 'Mitch,you know you've been working for better than 2 weeks and you have not visited the hospital to have fingers bandaged. That was pretty good, Mitch.' That is when my trouble started
It was one of those days, too nice to work and just right for fishing, The boss says,' Mitch, there is a wear ring on the shaft and it has to come off.'  For your benefit,, the wear ring is on the shaft just as a ring slips on a finger, only a wee bit tighter. It can be taken off by pressing or hammering with a sledge, which usually 'takes less time.  After the first blow, I thought, 'My, this is tight', the second,' say, this is tight, the third, 'my golly, 'this is tight as h---the fourth started with my uttering some everyday phrases and no results. The fifth and still tight, the sixth in vain. The boss came up and asks, ' is it tight, Mitch?'
After that the choicest words of my vocabulary plus sledge hammer blows should damage  almost  anything. Well, it did,-my thumb.
No one knew where the swelling came from, but you could not fool me. Judging  from the way my stomach felt,  I  knew it was just becoming smaller and smaller in order to create that expansion in the Joint. it could not be that a sledge would cause so much trouble.
Of course, I visited the doctor. of course I visited at my sisters' a few days. of course I couldn't go home- I am going there next week.

The moral 'Don't  pat yourself on the back Mitch.'
Becky, cut out the worrying, Auburn is the color I like, not gray.  Love, Mitch"

Apr,.? 1937, Butler, PA
"Dear Becky:
I had a peach of a weekend and nice day t work. I decided to bum  home. It was darn nice weather Sat. and Sun. and I hated to leave for Butler. One thing about those small towns-when it is nice everybody comes out and basks in the sun. It seemed like a sell out the way the one street was crowded.' hello and so long' and I was on my way back to Butler. I got home at 1 A.M. and succeeded in having one of the best days at work
 Nearly everyone had spring fever. Work was going slow, except 2 0f us really hustled. We had 5 motors to pull apart and  repair. Out of the five we assembled 3. I have a hunch that tomorrow I  will go into a stab at winding armatures. A little intricate, but an individual job, and ones' own responsibility for being  complete, instead  of just helping
That was a nice letter you sent. I had all that and more coming to me. I am sorryy for not writing for a couple weeks. once and for all there isn't anything wrong with my thumb or me except I am hungry and now going out to eat.
Love, Mitch"

Friday, November 23, 2012

Letters from Mitch # 9

Becky Note
The first letter of 1937 appears to be written soon or at about the time of the  80 foot crest of the 1937 flood breaking records in Cincnnati . I was having my month of Public Health duty in down town Cincinnati  near the flooding Ohio RIver.  Back at the General Hospital we were rationed water of a pint a day. The operating room surgical nurse was dispensing water for the scrub ups with an enema tubing.

Avella, PA, Feb.4,1937
"Dear Becky
 "I was wondermg if you received the telegram. My leaving was rather hasty. We had to make up our minds darn quick because later there would have been no chance of getting out. It seemed funny not being able to get in touch with you before I left so I waited until I hit Pittsburgh to send the telegram.

Your description is pretty vivid of the water situation. My, I felt thirsty, You should guess  what  decided me to leave. Sunday, ( the day I left) I was downtown in all that rain , we walked around looking for something to do. Reported to the Army engineers and they did not need anyone until Monday. I guess  I was to go on the  river and sound for depth. I got home wringing wet just in time to take a hot shower. Then the water, power and heat went off . Went to eat and they would only give us a glass of water. That was the straw since we could not help in any way. had to travel to Oakley by taxi and got a train to Pittsbugh. There was not much flood there. I will be back Monday- got a telegram from School that classes would resume.
Reserve a Sunday for me.
 Love, Mitch"

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Letters from Mitch #8

""Becky note
This will have some excerpts from the last 2 letters of 1936 and from Butler, PA. I will continue as able to send both interesting and some examples that are repetitive in his thoughts that describe him. I leave it to the reader to notice those.
Dec.4, 1936, Butler, PA

" Dear Becky:
Gosh, time sure is scooting along. Here it is almost 5 weeks gone by. In fact by the time you get this it will be 5 weeks gone by. Nearly all my good intentions of studying have slipped. I've done some but every time I start someone comes in the room and phooey. Tonight  I started and ended in the gym running after a basketball. I sort of like  a week  being penned up with no where to go. At least I'll have a week at home. By all indications it looks like I wll be here for Christmas day and the following day, then leave on Sunday Such luck.
I have not heard from Don since Thanksgiving. I hope he is getting along in school.
The snow has finally hit the town. The other morning the car service was down and we had to walk to work while it was snowing.  It was slushy and sloppy. I look forward to sleeping on Sunday' There are more churches here, one on every corner, all denominations. That is the reason no show on Sunday. I surely hope I gat a chance to study this Sunday. I'm going to write my fourteen page work report and I won't have to do it when I get back
Still the same way, love, Mitch."

Nov.'36,Butler, PA
" Dear Becky;
I  am sorry I hadn't written before. I went away for the weekend and got home Sunday night. Well, I have finally completed a weeks' work in the  electric repair shop. Tearing down and rebuilding motors Today, for variety, we repaired a telephone in the main building
I like the work a lot and have a nice bunch of fellows to work with. The other day I left my lunch after having it packed at the restaurant. The boys sure did feed me. Today is the 6th day of work and do you know they have a nice hospital here? Yes the second finger on my right hand and palm of my left hand are bandaged. There is nothing really wrong, but the foreman chased me from work iI will be clumsy tomorrow.
I got a letter from Don. He seems to be starting on the wrong foot. He tells me he isn't studying because of  being so lonesome. he better buckle down at the start or he will be, Mitch"

Dec. 1,1936, YMCA; Butler, PA
Dear Becky.;
'Aw Becky, I don't know what to say, one thing does not sound very good about your not writing while on J-2. Try and write. I'll be home the day after Christmas .I have to work Thursday night, Jtohnny is coming Wednesday night to keep me company and going back to Avella with me
Oh, Don wrote and said he failed Metallurgy.He is going to work in Springfield, Ohio. so we won't be rooming together. His mother and his sister wrote me that they wished we could be in school together.
I give up, this isn't what I want to talk about, talking about nothing. I sure would like to know how you are. I hope I won't be disappointed by not receiving a letter before I leave here.
Love, Mitch"

Becky note  Mitch mentions ward J-2, where the doctors were carefully monitoring my lymhm nodes!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Letters From Mitch # 7

Nov., 1936 Butler, PA
"Becky, so help me, I was groggy on my feet. In other words I was almost drunk and nuttier than the devil.  Some conductors had to be dipped. Well,  the stuff they had to be dipped in had a very strong alcohol solution in it. Anyway, the combination of warmth and the continual inhaling  of alcohol hit me. The fellows sure got a kick out of it."
Becky note
This next excerpt is  from a letter from his  Cincinnati campus. Mitch talks about  studies, his passing grades and laments Dons' poor ones. He refers to my being on a 2-11 shift and our not being able to date even though we were in same city.
? date, 1936
"Phooey, I quit writing.I would rather say' after 2-11 change. never mind what I write, I want to see you. Love, Mitch"

Letter from Avella, PA,1936
Becky note- Mitch wonders about my health.  I guess this was when I had Mono, I was first case the doctors there had seen and were excited because they had recently learned of this disease.

"I still not sure whether you are ill or not. I can't figure things out. You certainly did surprise me with the candy. I'm in Avella. John, the nephew is here too. I see Max a lot. Things are slow around here. Every one is so listless. I turned to the next best thing. I've started studying and trying to get something done. One bit of new, there is an alumni dance on the 29th and Max and I haven't decided whether we wil go or not.
Anythting I haven't written you,  just fill in because of Love, Mitch"

Nov. 1936 ,Butler, PA
" Just came back from class, studying some darn control boards.. I was sleepy in class, but after coming on home and narrowly escaping breaking the seat of my pants, I feel fine. .Its' real crisp outside. It rained all day and now is frozen over. I've gone through some screwy motions trying to stand up.

Bill Miller, one of the Dorm boys and works here invited my roommate and me to Thanksgiving Dinner after work ,yes, we worked on Thanksgiving) down at his home. I tried to get out of it instead of chiseling, but understand they really want us  so I guess we will go.
Max asked me to meet him in Pittsburg  to go to a card party and then home. This will be the first time I've been homee since I've been here. The party is given by a former teacher
We ll get to Avella about 3AM and i will wait until dad comes home from work at 4AM to see him.
Its' 12PM and I"m ssleepy, Love, Mitch"